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     9月5日,世界城市和地方政府组织(UCLG,简称“城地组织”)亚太区理事会会议暨“亚太地方政府的声音——人居三新城市发展议程”会议在印度尼西亚瓦卡托比市召开, 受广州市市长、城地组织联合主席陈建华委托,广州市副市长蔡朝林代表广州市在大会“地方领导人对话会”环节做主题发言,分别从大气环境、水环境、交通环境和垃圾处理等城市治理方面向与会代表介绍分享广州实践成果,以下是蔡朝林副市长的发言内容:

    在公交体系管理中,近年来在广州,乃至全中国和全世界范围内,出现了一个不可逃避的新现象,就是以Uber为代表的网络专车。网络专车作为传统出租车的补充,借助移动互联网技术优势,将车辆、司机与需求者直接联系起来,解决了传统出租车运力投放不足导致供需严重失衡的难题,也改变了市民的出行习惯。同时,网络专车的运行也存在一些突出问题:1.“专车”法律责任主体缺失,乘客权益难以保障;2.“专车”转嫁经营风险,司机权益难以保障;3.“专车”缺乏对车辆、司机的把关,安全无法保障;4. 随着私家车加盟数量的增多,道路面临的压力加大,也不利于我们倡导的绿色出行。
    目前,广州全市一天的生活垃圾量达1.8万吨,其中90%主要靠填埋处理,随着填埋场趋于饱和,现有的垃圾处理设施不堪重负,“垃圾围城”成为名副其实的城市治理“硬骨头”。垃圾填埋场因为土地资源稀缺和环境污染制约而不可能无限制扩大,垃圾焚烧厂选址因“邻避效应”而进展缓慢,唯有推行垃圾分类才能最大程度上获得政府和公众认可。我们在学习国内外先进经验和做法的基础上,探索推行具有广州特色的垃圾分类处理模式,广州自2012年7月10日召开第一次垃圾分类处理部署动员大会以来,连续4年召开全市部署动员大会。广州通过垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化处理,形成了一套有特色的垃圾处理方法。如今广州市垃圾治理体系日益完善,已经取得垃圾分类这场“硬仗”的阶段性胜利。截至今年6月底,生活垃圾“定时定点”分类投放的社区达781个,生活垃圾分 类合格社区达1247个,合格机团单位达270个,学校垃圾分类示范基地达1374所;大型生活垃圾处理设施成功落地并有序推进建设,已建成项目运营管理 不断规范;再生资源回收利用成效显著,累计规范建设回收站点3100个,试点建设了低值可回收物资源化利用项目6个。咬定青山不放松,经过几年努力,广州已经初步探索出一条具有特大型城市特点和广州特色的垃圾分类处理的路子,今年4月更是进入了全国首批生活垃圾分类示范城市行列。



Speech by Vice Mayor CAI Chaolin at Local Leaders Dialogue
Invited by UCLG ASPAC and Regency of Wakatobi of Indonesia, Vice Mayor CAI Chaolin attended the 2015 UCLG ASPAC Council Meetings and the Asia-Pacific Conference on Local Government Voice toward HABITAT III on a New Urban Agenda on behalf of Co-President/Mayor Mr. CHEN Jianhua on September 5th. During the Local Leaders Dialogue session, Vice Mayor CAI shared with other participants measures Guangzhou has taken to promote sustainable urban development, especially in improving atmospheric and water environment, coping with traffic congestion as well as implementing waste classification and disposal. Here is the script of his speech:

United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III is a most important international event, and also an important opportunity for enhancing the role of cities and local governments in global governance. I believe that all of you present here are as excited as me and really looking forward to the event. The city is where we create and realize dreams. In the future, more colorful dreams will come true in cities. The future of the city is, so to speak, the future of the world. The formulation of the New Urban Agenda will be an important guide for the future local governance worldwide. As urbanization proceeds, population will concentrate in cities. How to meet city’s increasingly urgent demand for sustainable development, how to satisfy citizens’ increasing demand for livable environment, and how to provide better public services are questions that all cities must face together and work out solutions through in-depth discussions.
Guangzhou is a famous cultural city with a time-honored history of over 2200 years. It boasts profound human legacy, long-time trade history and unique cultural charm. It is the largest and oldest port opening to foreign trade. It is also the starting point of Maritime Silk Road, and long known as a millennium capital of commerce. With openness, dynamism, and tolerance being its unique characteristic, Guangzhou has also become the intersection of the west and the east in terms of trade, culture and religion in China’s history. Thus, it has become one of those most globalized cities within China’s city system.
In A.D. 526, the Indian monk Bodhidharma traveled across seas to China to conduct missionary work after a long and hard journey. His first destination was Guangzhou. To commemorate the famous Indian monk, Guangzhou, as the place where he first landed, has been called “the first landing place of the westerners”.During the nearly 100 years from 1757 to 1842, Guangzhou had been the only port that remained open to the outside world at that time in China. A special scenery had been formed with national cargoes imported and exported and merchant ships from Europe, America, and the rest of Asia all gathering in Guangzhou.
In recent years, the economy in Guangzhou has maintained the momentum of rapid growth. In 2014, the GDP of Guangzhou reached 1.67 trillion yuan, the equivalent of 261.8 billion USD, with an increase of 8.6%. In the first half of 2015, the GDP of Guangzhou registered 828.5 billion yuan, which is about 129.9 billion USD, a year-on-year increase of 8.1%, ranking the third among China’s major cities; its per capita GDP was 129,000 yuan, which is about 21000 USD. With the sustainable and rapid economic development, Guangzhou is facing daunting challenges in terms of the city’s carrying capacity, resources and environment, public service, etc. For the past few years, while realizing the economic development, Guangzhou has attached great importance to environmental protection in order to meet people’s expectation for a better environment. Measures for pollution prevention have been fully implemented. As a result, the atmospheric environment, water environment, traffic environment and people’s living environment have been constantly improved, people’s awareness of environmental protection has increased, and the quality of environment has continued to get better, which have contributed to the comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable development of economy and the society. Now, I’d like to share with you some of Guangzhou’s practical achievements from several aspects such as atmospheric environment, water environment, traffic environment, and refuse disposal.
1. Atmospheric Environment Improvement
The sources of atmospheric pollution are various and different. First of all, we have to analyze the causes for air pollution. Taking Guangzhou as an example, there are seven kinds of main pollution sources. The first kind is industrial emission, such as the discharge of industrial boiler and industrial waste gas. The second one is automobile exhaust. The above two are the most severe pollution sources, which all together account for over 50% of all kinds of pollution sources. The third one is cooking fume emission, with a ratio of 10%. The fourth and the fifth are raising dust on the road and construction site respectively. The sixth one is exhaust emission of port. The seventh one is from enterprises, for example emission of volatile substance from oil station. In 2014, in line with the spirit of “Coal Reduction, Vehicle Control, Dust Fall, Less Oil Fume”, Guangzhou issued the Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution in Guangzhou. And Guangzhou has taken 10 kinds of major action for prevention and control, 57 concrete measures, safeguard measures in 8 aspects, as well as 3000 specific tasks. Consequently, discharge of pollutant has been gradually reduced with clear target, and major breakthrough has been made in atmospheric environment improvement. Last year has witnessed 3107 new energy cars applied by various industries in Guangzhou, over fulfilling the annual target of applying 3050 cars of this kind, which makes Guangzhou ahead of many cities among over 30 pilot cities nationwide.
As 2014 Guangzhou Climate Communiqué manifests, in 2014, 292 blue sky days have been observed in Guangzhou, with the average of 36.8 dust-haze days, which is the lowest level since 2000. As it shows in 2014 Guangzhou Environmental Condition Communiqué, in 2014, 282 days reach the standard in terms of air quality, an increase of 22 days over the previous year. Days reaching the standard account for 77.5%, a year-on-year increase of 6.3 percentage points. The annual average of PM2.5 concentration is 49 microgram per cubic meter, 7.5% lower than that of 2013, making Guangzhou the city with the lowest level of PM2.5 concentration among five major cities in China.
2. Water Environment Improvement
In recent years, with the goal of improving water environment quality, Guangzhou has given priority to protecting the source of drinking water, and actively engaged in promoting the prevention and control of water pollution by strengthening the comprehensive improvement of water environment of the Pearl River basin and river branches. It has also committed itself to improving the construction of flood control and drainage system as well as urban and rural sewage treatment facilities, so as to provide safe water supply of high quality and better water ecological environment for people to live a prosperous and contented life. Main measures we have taken are from the following aspects. First, to control the source, protect the source of drinking water, and punish illegal or sub-standard enterprise in water source area and Liuxi River area through strict law enforcement. Second, to accelerate the construction of sewage treatment plant. Third, to synchronize sewage interception with pipeline construction, and upgrade standards for construction. Sewage interception should be applied no matter it is domestic sewage or industrial waste. Fourth, to do a better job in dredging. Dredging should be followed by sewage interception. The process of dredging should be regulated so as to be supportive and coordinated. Fifth, water diversion should be combined with water replenishing. Facilities such as water gate, water pump, and water diversion pond should be planed and constructed.
What is the result of Guangzhou’s water improvement measures? I want to give you an example. As the largest river system in south China, Pearl River is the mother river for people living in Guangzhou. In 1970s, Pearl River was as clear as a mirror. Since the 1980s, with the rapid economic development, Pearl River, like many of China’s large rivers and lakes, was destined to be polluted in a very fast way. At the end of 2002, Guangdong provincial government signed a Liability Statement of Pearl River Rectification with municipal governments, which marks the beginning of a large-scale Pearl River comprehensive rectification. And satisfactory achievements have been made as a result. Since 2006, Guangzhou has hosted the activity of swimming across the Pearl River for ten consecutive years. As a famous fitness program in Guangzhou, the swimming activity is not only a challenge for swimming lovers, but also a standard for officials at all levels and citizen to jointly test the quality of the Pearl River.
On 31, July, 2015, a total of 2000 people from Guangzhou and nearby cities participated in the 10th activity of swimming across the Pearl River. I, myself, was lucky enough to take part in the activity and witness the achievement of ten-year water management by Guangzhou. Some citizens who have participated in the swimming activity for ten years in a row feel deeply that the water quality of the Pearl River is improving year by year. Some senior residents in Guangzhou have seen by themselves that the Pearl River turned from clean to muddy and then changed back gradually. The fact that residents are willing to swim in the mother river is best praise we can get for our water management work.
3. The Improvement of Transport
The improvement of environment protection also depends on the development of public traffic system. Currently, above 17 million citizens per day travel via public transport system including bus, underground, taxi, water shuttle and light rail in Guangzhou. Besides, “Low Speed System” like bicycling and walking will be gradually advocated in Guangzhou. Through developing the “Low Speed System”, a growing number of people will be encouraged to purchase or rent a residence which is 30-minute far away from work on foot or by bicycle. And it in consequence could relieve the stress of transport.
Guangzhou authority has spared no effort to improve the public transport system for a long time. In this year, Guangzhou Municipal Government put forward “Continue Improving 10 Practical Tasks for Citizens” in the work report. And one of the tasks is to “empower the construction of public transport system”. To reach this goal, the Government plans to set 50-kilogram bus transit lane in order to speed up buses, to optimize or add 50 bus lines and put 1100 clean-energy-buses. During recent 10 years, the number of underground lines in Guangzhou has been increased from 1 to 9, with the length from 18.5 kilogram to 260 kilogram. Every day, about 6.5 million people travel by underground in average. According to the plan, 11 underground lines under construction will be operating in 2017, and the length of underground will reach 520 kilogram. Until that time, over 70 percent trips will be realized by public transport system, growing from 62 percent. The growth of 8 percent symbolizes that Guangzhou has been transforming from a “Common City” to a “Public Transport Metropolitan”.
Guangzhou authority has put the construction of “Public Transport Metropolitan” in the priority. Accordingly, we put forward a 4-word policy named “Constructing”, “Adding”, “Managing” and “Limiting”. “Constructing” means that the authority is planning to put great effort in basic traffic facilities covering airports, seaports, underground and ground transportation. “Adding” is to increase public transport services. Rail transport like underground, ground transportation like bus and light rail, water shuttle and taxi will be improved mainly. “Managing” is to strengthen the management, hence improve the level of public transport and make the transport conditions better. “Limiting” is to regulate the demands, including vehicle restrictions and vehicle ownership.
Until these days, Guangzhou has formed a municipal public transport system which stems from rail transport, bus and tramway, and also covers new tramcar and water shttle.
Recently, an inescapable phenomenon has been faced by Guangzhou, as well as other cities in China and even in the world: Uber and other online transport providers. As a supplement of taxi service, online transport applications through their technology advantages, connect vehicles, drivers and riders’ demands closely. They directly solve the problem that traditional taxi industry cannot meet market’s demands. Furthermore, they change peoples’ habits when travel. However, there also exist several severe issues related to online transportation applications. Firstly, they are currently not regulated by law, thus riders’ rights cannot be guaranteed. Secondly, they shift the risk of operation, thus drivers’ rights cannot be guaranteed. Thirdly, there is a lack of standard of vehicles and drivers, thus no one assures riders’ safety. Fourthly, with the development of online transport applications, a growing number of private car owners will join in, leading to a higher pressure of transport. It is not good news for “Green Lifestyle” which we encourage.
The appearance of online transportation providers is an issue that all the transport management departments in the world are confronted with. Globally, there has not been a unified way of managing the online transport provider market. We are pleased to discuss the solution together with everyone here.
4. Waste Classification & Disposal
“Waste siege” is a thorny issue that no city can afford to avoid. Relative to cities of smaller scale, it is even a bigger challenge for Guangzhou, a mega city with over 10 million urban residents to address the issue of “waste siege”. As of 2012, waste classification has been placed at the center of Guangzhou’s citywide endeavor to crack the conundrum of “waste siege”.
As it stands today, the city of Guangzhou produces as many as 18,000 tons of domestic waste on a daily basis, 90% of which is disposed in the way of landfilling. However, as the bearing capacity of landfill sites gradually comes to saturation and the existing waste disposal facilities are weighed down by massive amounts of waste, “waste siege” has now become a massive hurdle for Guangzhou to surmount in order to make visible progress in its urban management. In comparison to landfilling and waste incineration, waste classification is a waste management method that is able to rally the greatest extent of governmental and public support and recognition, for the following two reasons: first, it is impossible and impractical to expand landfill sites without limit, as land resources are increasingly scarce in Guangzhou and the issue of environmental pollution should be factored into decision making; second, site selection for a waste incineration plant is a lengthy process due to the NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) problem. By learning the successful experience and practices of other cities, both domestic and foreign, we in Guangzhou are seeking to develop a classification-based waste disposal model with distinctive local characteristics. Since July 10th, 2012, four conferences have been convened consecutively to galvanize public initiative for practicing classification-based waste disposal in Guangzhou. Our efforts have paid off: Guangzhou has developed a set of waste disposal methods with its distinctive characteristics, which are focused on reducing waste amounts, turning waste into resources and disposing waste in a harmless way. Currently, a full-fledged waste management system is gradually taking shape in Guangzhou, which indicates that Guangzhou has made headways towards winning a victory in the battle against “waste siege”. By the end of June, 2015, 781 residential communities have practiced domestic waste classification featuring “fixed time and fixed point”; 1,247 residential communities have been verified as “up to standard” in practicing waste classification, together with 270 governmental institutions; 1,374 schools have been designated as demonstration bases in waste classification; site selection and development of large-sized domestic waste disposal facilities have been well underway, while efforts are being made to improve the management of existing facilities. Significant progress has been made in the recycling of renewable resources: 3,100 recycling stations have been built on a cumulative basis; six projects have been piloted for changing recyclable waste into resources. Once a goal is set, we always keep our eyes on realizing it. After several years of practice, Guangzhou has initially developed a waste classification and disposal model, one that exhibits distinctive local features and suits mega cities like Guangzhou. In April of 2015, Guangzhou was verified as one of the first group of national model cities in waste classification.
Despite the exciting progress Guangzhou has made in advancing waste classification, the program has yet to be brought to a successful conclusion and problems still exist. During their inspections, the deputies of the People’s Congress of Guangzhou have found that communities “do well in waste classification if local residents are aware beforehand that an inspection is coming”; however, “most communities that are inspected secretively literally do not practice waste classification and some of them don’t even set up specific points for waste classification”. In other words, waste classification has yet to become a daily habit of Guangzhou citizens. Despite high public awareness and recognition of the importance of waste classification, many people in Guangzhou have yet to realize that practicing waste classification is part of their responsibilities as citizens.
Cracking the conundrum of “waste siege” is still an uphill battle for Guangzhou. Nevertheless, it is our belief that as long as we never relent in our efforts to solve this thorny issue and resolutely follow and act on the guiding principles of “waste classification”, “waste reduction” and “harmless waste disposal”, there will come a day when waste classification is internalized into the habits of Guangzhou citizens. Only when that happens can a true victory in the battle against “waste siege” be won, a victory that is up to public expectations.
Building a sound eco-system bears greatly on people’s wellbeing and the future of the Chinese nation. It is a project that takes pains for the present generation but will yield gains for the future generations. We are sober-minded that we still face an uphill battle in protecting our environment and building a favorable eco-system, as structural problems of environmental pollution are still pronounced and the pressure is mounting for us to reduce emissions. It is our hope that through the platform of United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III, we can pool our wisdom together, exchange successful experience on advancing sustainable development of cities and strengthen cooperation for common prosperity and joint development among cities of the Asia-pacific region.